"Leaf of the Tree - Bound for life and beyond"

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"We in our family have a special brand etched into us. It is not something that can be overtly seen, but it can be witnessed. Mostly only by us who have been branded either by blood or affliction. It is a brand within our hearts.

Although we have an internal “branding”. We are the guardians of each other and we should have a marker so others know as well. So without a word it will become known that there are things that cannot be compromised. This marker will serve as an outward commitment we have for each other and a reminder of our guardianship so others will know we take our commitment seriously. This marker should be permanent never to be removed, when you see this marker you will be reminded of what your family stands for; Hope, Purity ( Drug Free), Encouragement, Acceptance, Peace, Pride, Power, Strength and Love."

- Tim Ryan

Members Who Have The Symbol

Sharon Martin

Tobey Tobias

Peyton Webb

Tim Ryan

Dani Ryan

Corey Ryan

Katie Ryan

Mike Martin

Jane Martin

Bill Martin

Diane Martin

Michael Martin

Rebecca Goldberg

Shannon Martin

Katie Karcher

Steve McMillian

Joseph Jalowiec

Rich McMillian

Megan Gajeski

Terri Martin Miller